Clark Wireless
Motorola Channel Partner, Idaho
Motorola Remote Speaker Microphones
Motorola's Remote Speaker Microphones (RSMs) are a vital two-way radio accessory solution for users who need to talk and listen without removing the radio from their belt or carry case. A basic RSM combines a loudspeaker, microphone and Push-To-Talk button (PTT) in a compact device with a clip to hold it in place and a cable to connect to the radio accessory connector.
Some RSMs also offer enhanced functionality: dedicated emergency and programmable buttons to allow quick access to frequently used functions, volume controls to adjust received audio levels, or an audio jack that allows an earpiece to be connected, ensuring discreet communication that can't be overheard and won't disturb others.
The Right "Fit And Feel" For All Your Needs

In addition to standard RSM features, Motorola Solutions has also developed exclusive capabilities for Motorola's RSMs – they offer a range of models so users can select the best fit and feel for their specific needs. Windporting, Noise Canceling, IMPRES™ and INC help ensure optimal performance even in noisy or windy environments.
- Windporting RSM
- Windporting IMPRES RSM
- Noise Canceling IMPRES RSM
- INC - Industrial Noise Canceling
Windporting Remote Speaker Microphones (RSM)
The Windporting feature on select RSMs/PSMs is specifically designed for windy outdoor environments. If you're directing traffic or moving crowds after an outdoor concert, Windporting dramatically reduces the noise caused by howling winds and harsh weather. And it prevents water from clogging the microphone and distorting your transmission.
In a domed stadium or an open-air event, noise-canceling acoustics on select RSM models negate background noise so your voice comes through loud and clear anytime you speak into the microphone. IP57 Submersible model tested at 1 meter for 30 minutes.
Industrial Noise Cancellation - INC (Motorola Exclusive)
Some areas, like plant rooms, sports stadiums, shunting yards or factory floors can experience extreme noise where standard noise Canceling RSM's may struggle to eliminate the high levels of background noise. A new class of RSM was introduced in June 2013; it incorporated Industrial Noise Cancellation to provide superior performance in the most difficult of situations.
The RSM utilizes microphones purposely designed to operate at levels that would saturate standard microphones and include two mics to help steer your voice (like a beam of light from a torch) to eliminate ambient noise. Additionally, the INC RSM uses Digital Signaling Processing to extract noise in the speech the speech for transmission. So, unlike standard noise Canceling, low frequency generator noise, angle grinders or even sirens from emergency services are all cancelled out.
Public Safety Microphones
Motorola's robust portfolio includes Remote Speaker Microphones, Public Safety Microphones and secondary audio accessories engineered to give you clearer communications even in loud environments. All remote speaker microphones are built with top quality materials including durable Kevlar® cables that survive tough working conditions.

An Extreme RSM For Extreme Noise
The APX XE RSM represents noise suppression at its best. The ideal complement to any APX radio, it's the first accessory with dual microphones to locate the talker and cancel out background sounds. Ambient noise is negated so effectively, you can be heard over diesel engines, power equipment or wailing sirens. A large speaker delivers the loudest, clearest accessory audio available - 50% louder and clearer –so transmissions are clear and intelligible, not garbled or distorted. And because the audio technology inside XE RSM complements the exceptional noise suppression capabilities of Motorola's best-in-class APX radios, you can be heard and be clearly understood in all types of extremes.
Motorola Commercial & Professional Radio Accessory Brochures
- Motorola Professional Series Portable & Mobile Radio Accessory Catalog
- Motorola MOTOTRBO Accessory Catalog
- Mototrbo Commercial Tier Accessory Catalog
- Motorola SL Series Accessory Fact Sheet
Motorola Public Safety Radio Accessory Brochures
- Motorola APX Remote Speaker Microphones Brochure
- Motorola APX XE Remote Speaker Microphones Spec Sheet
- Motorola APX XE Remote Speaker Microphones Best Practices
- Motorola APX Remote Speaker Microphones Extreme Temperature Cable
- Motorola XTS Remote Speaker Microphones Spec Sheet
- Motorola APX™ Series P25 Accessories Catalog